What skills does a CMO need to grow your business?

And the best books to learn the top CMO skills

Read time: 4 min, 23 secs

Hey there - it's Brian šŸ‘‹

This weekend I met a business owner for a beer at a bar in Boston.

As weā€™re sitting at the bar he leans over and asks:

ā€œWhat skills does my CMO need to have? I meanā€¦ How do I know if theyā€™re any good?ā€

So in today's issue, youā€™ll hear:
ā€¢ What are the skills a CMO needs to grow your business?
ā€¢ What are the best books to learn (if you want growth skills too)?

Letā€™s make your business an outlier: šŸ‘‡

Thanks to our sponsor: Shortform

Iā€™m a huge booknerd.

Back when I had an apartment, any time someone visited Iā€™d proudly show off my book shelf and give them book recommendations.

Nerdy. I know.

Anyway, this weekend I used the Shortform app to listen to the big ideas from the book ā€œPrinciplesā€ by Ray Dalio. Spoiler: It convinced me to buy the full book (and so far I love it).

Shortform is the app to help you find new books and quickly get the main ideas.

So I spoke with Shortform to get a deal for my readers. If youā€™re as nerdy as I am, youā€™ll love it.

Use this link to get a free trial and binge the books Iā€™m suggesting in todayā€™s issue (the link also gets you 20% off the annual membership):

The top skills your CMO needs to grow your business

ā€œHow do I know if a CMO is any good?ā€

The skills you need depends completely on the size of your business:

$0 - $3M: You need a tactician (run your Ads, SEO, socials etc).

$30M+: You need a strategist (& hire tacticians for each channel).

But between $3M and $30M thereā€™s an awkward gap.

Tacticians donā€™t make good strategists:
Tacticians are phenomenal at short-term decisions, but donā€™t trust them for anything high stakes or long-term.

Strategists donā€™t make good tacticians:
Strategists donā€™t know how to build the systems that run digital marketing channels.

So if you hire a CMO from a big company, theyā€™ll likely miss the tactical skill. Hire a CMO from an agency or startup and theyā€™ll likely miss the strategy skill.

You need a hybrid.

But getting someone whoā€™s good at both skillsets is hard to findā€¦

So hereā€™s the list of skills you need for both marketing strategy and tactics, along with books I love that help you learn the basic skills:

The 3 Critical CMO skills:

The easiest way to talk about these strategy + tactic skills are in 3 groups:

Skill #1 | Strategy (Positioning)
Skill #2 | Marketing Tactics (Channels)
Skill #3 | Build Marketing Systems

The 3 pillars of a CMO

Skill #1 | Positioning:

Your marketing will not work without a solid positioning.

ā€œPositioningā€ is just the answer to these 3 questions:
1) Which customers are you focused on?
2) What pain are you solving?
3) How do you solve that pain better than anyone?

Then, ā€œmarketingā€ is just messaging your positioning so it resonates with your customer (& builds trust) to ultimately get them to buy.

Without strong positioning, your marketing wonā€™t resonate (and customers wonā€™t buy).

Your CMO needs to understand traditional business strategy answer each question. Then bring them together to create your positioning.

The best books to learn traditional business strategy:
ā€¢ Understanding Michael Porter
ā€¢ Playing to Win
ā€¢ Good Strategy, Bad Strategy

Best books on Strategy

The best books to learn positioning:
ā€¢ Obviously Awesome
ā€¢ Positioning

Best books on Positioning

šŸ§”šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Brianā€™s nerdy side rant:
ā€œStrategyā€ is the most overused word in business. To the point where itā€™s lost its meaning.

I donā€™t care what word you use to describe what youā€™re doing, but hereā€™s a word of caution: most people use the word ā€œstrategyā€ to describe a ā€œplan.ā€ They are two very different things.

If you mix ā€œstrategyā€ and ā€œplanā€ youā€™ll end up with a plan that does not have a clear way to win.

Vastly oversimplified:
1) Think of ā€œstrategyā€ as your theory on how youā€™ll win.
2) ā€œStrategic thinkingā€ as the ability to foresee problems.
3) A ā€œplanā€ as the action steps youā€™ll take to get there.

CMOs need all 3. Most only have the last one.

Skill #2 | Marketing Tactics (actually getting you customers):

Great, now we get more tactical.

Weā€™ll explore the 5 tactical growth skills your CMO needs through my favorite framework:

ā€œThe Pirate Model.ā€

šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø AARRR!

Aware. Aquire. Retain. Refer. Revenue.

Your CMO will need skill in each of the 5 Pirate categories:

1) Aware: How do people find out about you?
Which channels will you use? How do you use the channels to get sales?

ā€¢ Socials (LinkedIn, Twitter, IG etc)
ā€¢ SEO
ā€¢ Ads

2) Acquire: How do you convert these people to customers?
What do you do to build their trust and get the sale, after theyā€™ve learned about you?

ā€¢ Nurturing (email campaigns)
ā€¢ Funnels (what journey do people need to go on to get them to buy?)
ā€¢ Sales pages (set up the page to sell)

3) Retain: How do you build an experience that makes customers want to stay?

ā€¢ Designing a customer experience/journey/lifecycle
ā€¢ Onboarding customers (to get them to stay)

4) Refer: How do you get customers to share you with others?

ā€¢ Building referral incentives into your product/service

5) Revenue: How do you design your offer so itā€™s irresistible?

ā€¢ Pricing (price level, packaging, tiers)
ā€¢ Packaging (whatā€™s included in the sale? Add-ons? Bonuses? Guarantees?)

The best growth execution books:
ā€¢ $100M Offers
ā€¢ $100M Leads
ā€¢ DotCom Secrets
ā€¢ Traffic Secrets

Best books to execute growth

Skill #3 | Build & manage marketing systems:

Marketers play the instruments. CMOs conduct the symphony.

We now design the systems that bring all 5 parts of the Pirate Model together (in way that scales).

Build systems:
Your CMO needs to design the system where all marketing channels feed into each other in a way that builds trust and leads to a sale.

The system needs to be done so customers are persuaded to buy long after theyā€™ve come into contact with the business.

ā€¢ Design upsells
ā€¢ Cross-sells
ā€¢ Customer experience

Manage systems:
Need to hire people that make these systems a reality. Manage those systems to KPIs.

The best books on marketing systems:
ā€¢ Funnel Hackerā€™s Cookbook
ā€¢ Dotcom Secrets (again)

Haā€¦ Can you tell I love Russell Brunson?

Best books on marketing systems

CMOs are a rare breed.

Your best CMO needs the execution skills of a marketing agency and the marketing strategy skills of a corporate marketer.

That blend is rare. So if you have that, youā€™ve found a keeper!

If not, these books are a great place to start.

But no book will ever replace real experience.

So learn the basics and test what you learned with real customers.

Thereā€™s no better way to learn than running an ad campaign that doesnā€™t convert, or a funnel that doesnā€™t get sales.

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P.S. Want personalized feedback on your marketing efforts for free?

Iā€™ll check out your SEO, ads, socials, & landing pages. Then, Iā€™ll give you a list of small changes you can make to get big results (paying customers).

If your business is over $3M in revenue, grab time for free.