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The 4 LinkedIn funnels (to get you 20 leads a month)

An in-depth guide to getting customers online

Read time: 4 min, 57 secs

Hey there - it's Brian šŸ‘‹


This topic has been the most requested topic for the last 3 weeks.

Iā€™m finally ready to share the 4 LinkedIn funnels I use to get ~20 businesses a month to ask me to run their marketing.

Some of these funnels took me over a year of trial and error.

I donā€™t want you to waste months when you can just steal my process.

If youā€™re not getting the leads you expected from LinkedIn - this issue is for you.

So weā€™ll start with the fastest sales strategies. The ones you could get results today.

Weā€™ll gradually move to the LinkedIn sales methods that take 6 - 9 months.

(Spoiler: the ā€œslowerā€ methods get far more customers over time).

Grab a coffee. Get comfortable. This one is an in-depth guide to make sure you get customers online. So letā€™s dive right in.

If you want me to copy / paste this LinkedIn lead engine into your business, I host a free marketing review. Grab some time here for free.

Letā€™s make your business an outlier: šŸ‘‡

Where will you find your customers?

People overcomplicate funnels.

Itā€™s just 3 things:
1) How do strangers find out about you?
2) How do you build their trust?
3) How do you turn them into customers?

Iā€™ve tested 25+ funnels for my own business. These 4 were the winners.

Iā€™ll give you the formula for the funnels I use today.

This is all a funnel really is

The 4 LinkedIn funnels (that you can copy / paste)

Iā€™ve sorted these 4 funnels by how quickly you can see results.

Butā€¦ the faster you see results, the harder it is to scale:

1) Warm outreach
Best for enterprise sales. High ticket.
Also the fastest funnel to set up (doesnā€™t scale as well).

2) Webinar
Best for selling to small businesses.

3) Content + Outreach
Best for selling to small businesses.

4) Content + Inbound
Best for higher volume sales
Takes the longest to set up (but scales the best).

Letā€™s explain exactly how you can do each one šŸ‘‡

šŸ§”šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Brianā€™s nerdy side rant:
You can get results from warm outreach today. Content + inbound takes 6 - 9 months.

Start with warm outreach then progress down the list once youā€™re getting sales and ready to scale.

Level #1 | Warm Outreach

I hate getting cold messages.

It works. But itā€™s generic. It feels fake. They leave a bad taste in your mouth.

So I do what I call ā€œwarm outreachā€ instead. It feels much more genuine.

Hereā€™s my secretā€¦ I find people on LinkedIn who are both target customers AND post on LinkedIn. This way, you can leave smart comments on their posts.

Theyā€™ll get to know you and be excited to talk to you!

The funnel:

1) So find your customers.
(LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a great tool to find people)

2) Leave 3 - 5 smart (yet friendly) comments on their posts so they know who you are.

(Not sure how to leave a valuable comment? Steal my framework)

3) Once theyā€™ve seen you a few times, send them a connection request. Include a message that elaborates on a comment you made on their post.

I love this method because itā€™s how you genuinely build friendships. I use it for both customers and meeting peers.

šŸ§”šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Brianā€™s nerdy side rant:
If youā€™re struggling to get customers using LinkedIn. Start with this funnel. Itā€™s great as a first step in internet marketing.

In a future issue Iā€™ll share the system Iā€™ve built to help you scale this process, but it will never scale as big as the next funnels.

Once youā€™ve cracked this funnel, move to the next one.

LinkedIn warm outreach funnel

Level #2 | The Webinar Funnel

Back in July, I helped founders find their positioning via socials.

I promoted the webinar on socials. I had ~75 founders on the call. Of which ~20% wanted to continue working together after the webinar.

Usually close rates are about 15%. I got a higher close rate after I added a personal touch into the steps. Iā€™ll cover it below:

Hereā€™s the steps of the funnel:

1) Awareness: Socials or paid ads

I used socials (LinkedIn + Twitter), but if you donā€™t have a social following, you can run Facebook or Google ads.

Send people to a sign up page for your webinar.

Use Google form (Free) or Lu.ma (paid).

2) My added step for more sales: Ask participants for their story

Reach out to everyone who signs up and ask what got them excited to join.

Hear their story. Give them a nugget on how your method helps them solve their problem. Then tell them how excited you are that theyā€™re joining.

This increases your show rate AND makes them more likely to buy because theyā€™re invested in you.

3) Run the webinar. Give them a special offer at the end.

Solve a narrow problem for your customer. Give them an offer to work with you at the end.

I wonā€™t get into detail on how to structure your webinar, but Russell Brunson lays out his webinar formula in his book Expert Secrets.

My old banner for my webinar

Once youā€™ve worked through this funnel, move on to the bigger scale funnels:
Building attention on LinkedIn.

Level #3 | Content + Outreach

Getting attention on LinkedIn posts take about ~6 - 9 months to crack, but scales much better than the funnels we covered before.

I built my LinkedIn + Twitter following to 85,000 (now starting YouTube).

My one warning on building socials for your business is that most advice out there is based on how you build a follower-base, NOT how you build a customer-base.

Weā€™re founders not influencers.

We can cover this in the future if youā€™re interested. Vote at the end.

Okay so hereā€™s the easiest social funnel:

1) Post content on LinkedIn
2) Message the people who follow you or send a connection request

ā€œHey [name]!

Thanks for reaching out! Howā€™s everything going with [business name]?ā€

I like to add a personal touch in the message if thereā€™s something interesting in their profile.

Once youā€™ve got this funnel going, this last one takes the longest to get results (but drives 80% of my leads today).

Level #4 | Content + Inbound

The big picture is that you build up demand on socials so that when you post, people click your lead magnet and reach out to you.

Hereā€™s how you do it: šŸ‘‡

1) Post content to socials (e.g., LinkedIn)
Content needs to persuade customers that youā€™re smart (and can solve their problem).

2) Make the postā€™s call to action feel so valuable that your target customer needs to click
I used to ask customers to ā€œbook a discovery call.ā€

That feels like work!

Instead, make customers feel like theyā€™re getting a benefit.

3) Solve a narrow problem for free
In your ā€œfree review,ā€ solve a very specific problem (and donā€™t hold anything back).

In my case, I tell them the exact steps they need to get customers with their online marketing.

Give away the secrets, sell the implementation.

4) Close sales
Have a clear offer that will solve the customerā€™s problem for them.

I wrote you an in-depth issue on what it took to figure out this funnel and finally got demand to skyrocket.

šŸ§”šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Brianā€™s nerdy side rant:
90% of people are passive on the internet. So itā€™s hard to get people to sign up on their own.

Your free offer has to be valuable enough to the right person to pull them in.

This is a hard funnel to set up. Resist the urge to start with inbound until youā€™ve tested your offer/sales page with other funnels.

Thatā€™s a wrap!

If you want help copy/pasting these funnels for yourself, Iā€™ll walk you through how your business can get customers online (for free).

Iā€™ll explain how you avoid the mistakes I made and give you the playbook to do it yourself.

If you liked this post, and donā€™t want to miss future issues, sign up for free:

See you next Thursday šŸ‘‹


P.S. Okay you caught me. I use a 5th funnel. Socials ā†’ email marketing ā†’ offer. This issue got too long and email marketing can be its own issue.

Vote at the bottom if you want more on this funnel.

If you want me to help you through your own funnels, grab time for free.

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