How we get 70% of clients to buy again

This 4xed our return

Read time: 1 min, 47 secs

Hey there - it's Brian 👋

This is INSANE:

70% of our clients buy from us again.

I’m proud of how we’ve built TalentHQ and clients love it.

From the beginning, we set success goals as re-orders.



The more re-orders and referrals the healthier the business.

(I’ll nerd out on the metrics you need to hit in a sec.)

But the goal is to make client experience so good they want to buy more AND they tell their friends.

That’s a healthy business.

If you want to put a metric to your business health, there’s one metric I can’t stop thinking about:

The money multiplier

For every dollar we put into getting a customer, how many do we get back?

Watch what happened to our money multiplier as we got more re-orders:

Version 1: No renewals. High CAC.
Money multiplier = 3x

Version 2: No renewals. Lower CAC.
Money multiplier = 8x

Version 3: Renewals. Lower CAC.
Money multiplier = 12x!!

🧔🏻‍♂️ Brian’s nerdy side rant:

For you business nerds, when I say Money Multiplier I mean Lifetime Gross Profit to Customer Acquisition Cost (LTGP to CAC).

Check out this article if you want the basics on LTGP to CAC.

Also while we’re nerding out, the other two metrics I watch like a hawk are:
➟ Gross Profit above 80%
➟ Net Profit above 30%

We need to hit that to keep a healthy business.

So what do we do to make re-orders so high?

We engineered the delivery process.


We made a step-by-step process flow.

Flagged each moment that clients feel the most value.

Then made quantifiable goals to improve each value moment every week.

So our delivery gets better and better every. Single. Week.

The beginning of TalentHQ delivery engine

You can do the same.

I built this in Whimsical but you can use any process flow tool.

📌 Want me to look at your delivery process?
Grab time here.

Use your unfair advantage for more re-orders

An “unfair advantage” is something your competition can’t or won’t do.

In my case:
I spent 6 years as a management consultant.

I went to Deloitte University full time for weeks just to get a bootcamp in advisory skills.

Client service. Problem solving. Recommendations. Communication etc.

So I took 6 years of advisory lessons and bootcamped my own team.

This means we don’t just blindly staff. We’re advisors.

But everyone says that so I’ll quote a client call I had yesterday:
“I've worked with a ton of recruiters. I’ve never experienced anything like this. I trust you guys the most.”

What your unfair advantage? Build it into your service.

➟ Do you have skills 10x better than others?
➟ Experiences others don’t have?
➟ Relationships / partnerships?

Build your advantage into your service.

Clients will have an experience they can’t have anywhere else.

See you next Thursday 👋

P.S. if you’d like help thinking through your process or talent I’m here to help

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